Today, Accumulate developers are announcing Testnet 9.0 Millau Viaduct – Mainnet Release Candidate 3. Named after the Millau Viaduct bridge located in Tran Valley, France, Accumulate’s Testnet 9.0 includes a variety of updates. Additionally, from this point onwards (until further notice), there will be two Testnets to make sure that third-party applications can remain stable. In addition, the DevNet will remain. The mobile application is compatible with the Beta RC1 version of the Testnet.
- Testnet Beta RC1 is Testnet 7.0
- Testnet RC3 is Testnet 9.0
- DevNet is DevNet
The mobile application will point to the Testnet Beta RC1 endpoint, which will be compatible with the Testnet Beta RC1 branch (Develop Branch – tag cli-v1.0.0-rc1.2) in the CLI and Testnet Beta RC1 in the Explorer ( To use new features in Accumulate, connect to the Testnet (9.0) Branch (Develop Branch – Tag cli-v1.0.0-rc3) in the CLI and use the Testnet RC3 option in the Explorer ( To interact with the Devnet use the Develop branch in the CLI and the Devnet option in the explorer (
To switch from one branch to another in the CLI type git branch and the branch you would like to connect to. Make sure to do a git pull and go build to get the latest updates in the CLI.
Protocol Highlights
- Import Pre-allocated ADIs – Adds a mechanism to add pre-defined ADIs to genesis and fixes some bugs.
- Create identity sliding fee schedule – Add a sliding fee schedule for CreateIdentity transactions that charges more for shorter ADIs. The default schedule is exponential where 13 characters and below cost $5 and every character less multiplies the fee by 2 up to $20,480 for 1 character ADIs. This calculation is done after removing the `.acme` suffix. The dollar value is subject to change before Mainnet.
- Tag validator info with operator – Add an `Operator *url.URL` field to `ValidatorInfo` so validator entries can be tagged with the operator they belong to.
Accumulate Release Candidate 3 (RC3) Release Notes – 09/26/22
🚀 New
- Prepare to upgrade testnet from RC2 to RC3
- Fix accounting of the faucet
- Factom genesis v2
- Export API types
- Import pre-allocated ADIs
- Fuzz test for executors
- Add index, time to block ledger
- Tag validator info with operator
- Support different peer addresses
- Include the major block index
- Stop on fatal error
- Shutdown if the DN stalls
- Create identity sliding fee schedule
🔧 Fixes
- DN anchor accounting
- Anchor multisig bug
- Race condition on develop
- Cross-partition updateKeyPage signing
- JSON unmarshalling for some unions
- Entry hash in transaction result
- Refactor snapshots
- Don’t sign anchors when following
✨ Improvements
- Fix compatibility of transaction status
- Require key hashes to be 32 bytes
- Add read header timeout
- Support BPT entries with no account state
- Prevent or catch query tx panic
- Negative values check